Disclaimer & Privacy policy.
This disclaimer applies to all information on this site, and to all services, products and courses offered.
No service, course, or product offered by Gretchen Bouchard is intended, in any way – explicit, implicit, by implication, or in reference – to be a substitute or replacement for licensed medical care. In addition, the information and techniques on this site do not constitute medical advice
Reiki, Light Language and Energy Healing is a simple, gentle, energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation.
Reiki, Light Language and Energy Healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, not interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
Reiki, Light Language and Energy Healing does not take the place of medical care. It is recommend that you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological care you may be receiving.
Reiki, Light Language and Energy Healing can complement any medical or psychological care you may be receiving.
The body has the ability to heal itself and to do so complete relaxation is often beneficial. Long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.
All Intuitive Guidance included as part of any Reiki, Light Language and Energy Healing services, all Oracle, Astrolgoy and Intuitive readings, are also offered in good faith and are to be used at the client’s sole discretion and risk and are not meant to be construed as “predicting the future” or “fortune telling,” or to take the place of psychotherapy or psychiatric care.
You are a Divine Sovereign Being of Love and Light. Any channeled messages are meant to help activate you to your own inner truth. You and you alone are responsible for your life, your choices. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
No information about any client will be discussed or shared with any third party without written consent of the client or parent/guardian if the client is under 18 years old.
By purchasing any services, courses or meditations you agree to these terms.
No Refunds Given unless we feel the session is not for the highest and greatest good for ALL in which case we reserve the right to refuse services and will 100% grant a refund.