Healing the Persecution Wound

There are several deep Primal Wounds held in the collective unconscious of humanity. Deeply buried pain of being persecuted for our connection to the Earth and our natural gifts. These wounds can be passed down within our own bloodlines and stemming from other lifetimes. 

The wounds of the trauma can be found in our DNA, within our Cells, our Throat, Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras. These wounds can be traced back generations and are often the hidden blockages in the evolution of a Healer.

The intention with this self inquiry course is to support you in healing the deep wounds around unlocking your Healing Gifts and speaking your truth! As a Divine Feminine Christ, Lightworker, Starseed, Wayshower, Galactic Shaman, Creator living here on Earth. It is our Divine Mission to live and embody our Divine Truth! This means going within and bringing light (conscious) to the dark (unconscious).

As we do the inner work, bringing healing, love, compassion and nourishment within, we shift our world without. We awaken and remember our Divine Truth. As we ground and clear the blockages we may not even be conscious of we create new paths of awareness and expansion.

We remember that we are powerful healers! That we came here to utilize our God Given Gifts and Talents in service to our Beloved Most High God/Creator/Source.

This course is an investment into your Soul. This is a journey of reacquainting yourself with your Voice, your Soul, your Ancestors and your Divine Connection to the ALL.

Signs of the Persecution Wound 👇🏻

  1. Do you struggle with speaking your authentic truth?

  2. Do you Feel like trying to heal your Throat Chakra is an endless battle?

  3. Do you feel like you have a blockage you can't seem to get past?

  4. Do you resonate with the term “the black sheep”?

  5. Do you intuitively feel called to Ancestral Healing?

The Persecution Wound or the Witch Wound

Is one of the Primal Wounds that affects each one of us. Many Healers and Light workers may have deep fears that come up around accessing their gifts, trusting their intuition, using their voice, speaking their truth and actually sharing their gifts!

There are deep wounds within the Collective that many of us came here to heal. Those who remember the connection, knew and understood the Sacred Harmony between themselves and Mother Earth. The Divine Relationship, the Partnership between the Flora, Fauna, Fungi & Humans.

Each of our Chakras are literal vortexes of energy. They are connected to this physical 3D reality and to other dimensions, timelines, Soul Fractals, Ancestors and Past Lives. They contain knowledge and wisdom. In order to access this we need to heal any trauma that occurred within this chakra. Regenerate and bring them fully back online.

This Course Focuses on Three Chakras, Three Deep Issues and Blocks on the Healers Path.

  1. Throat Chakra, Fear of accessing, speaking your truth, utilizing your gifts, clearing past life vows!

  2. Earth Star Chakra, Breaking Ancestral Curses, Karmic Agreements that keep you in loops.

  3. Soul Star Chakra, Soul Trauma, Soul Retrieval Healing Journey connecting with your Soul Family and your Soul Mission.

What’s Included in this Course?

Everything from our Original Healing the Persecution Wound Course PLUS Two New Powerful Healing Transmissions

  • 🌹 A 30 page PDF exploring the Witch Wound and your Throat Chakra.

  • 🌹 A Powerful Past Life Vow Removal Light Language MP3 Audio Healing Transmission

  • 🌹 Soul Work Journaling Prompts to help you explore and go deeper to the root of this wound.

    Light Language Transmissions

  • Throat Chakra, Releasing Past Life Vows

  • Breaking Ancestral Curses

  • Soul Star Trauma Healing and Soul Retrieval

Healing the Throat Chakra, The Persecution Wound

This is a process that takes time, grace and deep inner awareness of our patterns. These deeply ingrained patterns are often handed to us from our Ancestors and Past/Parallel Lifetimes.

The Persecution Wound, the Witch Wound, this is A Primal Wound that has been Passed down generation by generation. The pain the grief the sadness, the abuse that has happened upon this Earth, that still continues to happen. These are the wounds that have never fully been allowed to heal. Bandaids continuously placed over it. With every generation not choosing to heal and choosing to pass on/continue the abuse. The collective consciousness has had these wounds growing deeper and deeper.

Signs of the Persecution Wound

  1. Do you have fears that come up when tuning into your intuition? 

  2. Do you have fears come up Trusting yourself? Trusting what your heart is telling you?

  3. Do you find you cannot speak your truth freely?

  4. Do you constantly judge others for being “too open” with their gifts? Spirituality?

  5. Do you find you start coughing or cannot even speak around certain people or on certain subjects?

  6. Have you always been hyper vigilant about following the rules? 

  7. Have you ever had dreams of being burned alive, drowned, hung?

  8. Do you find you are incredibly secretive about your spiritual beliefs, fearing others might think about out what you believe?

These are ALL indications of The Perseuction/Witch Wound and a blocked Throat Chakra 💙 A deep wound around our Natural connection to the Earth. Our relationship with our Divine Feminine, our connection to our own innate wisdom.

Healing the Earth Star Chakra, Ancestral Curses

In order to reach high into the Heavens one must have a solid foundation of Earth beneath them.

Energy never truly dies. It can only be transformed, transmuted, brought into another form.

The energy of a curse, black magic, hexes, spell work that knowingly, intentionally impedes or causes harm on someone can be something that carries through generations!

A curse is to invoke “supernatural” assistance to block, stop, take things from others. These curses can be something that was set upon your family and your entire bloodline.

Parasitic agreements, allegiances, religions, contracts to keep you small and compliant with entities that manipulated and/or an Ancestor CHOOSE to make these agreements and pledge their bloodline in service to a False “God”.

The Tribes and Bloodlines that carry and embody the Feminine Christ Consciousness have been heavily cursed. The 144, the Lightworkers, the Blue Rays, the Indigos, if you have chosen to incarnate into a particularly dysfunctional, abusive, codependent, narcissistic chaos and you feel a natural pull to Ancestral Healing. There is a high chance that you carry a curse/energy that is hindering your growth and expansion!

Curses are ENERGY! It is energy that is ready to be transmuted and brought into a higher vibration of love. This is our intention with creating this transmission. Not to ignite fear. Awareness brings clarity and freedom from the limitations that we have placed upon ourselves. That our Ancestors knowingly or unknowingly placed upon their own bloodline.

Signs of Ancestral Curses

  1. Do you feel blocked along your path? You feel aligned, you get so far and then brick wall. Doors Close out of nowhere and opportunities seem to vanish into thin air?

  2. Do you ever feel like you have the “worst” luck? Can’t seem to catch a break no matter how much inner work you do?

  3. Have you ever had a lot of glass breaking around you? Dropping glass/plates/cups or mirrors breaking?

  4. Difficulty with money, poverty consciousness, issues or themes with other people taking/withhold/controlling your money?

  5. DARK as FUCK, Ancestral SECRETS. Secrets in your family, secrets in your bloodline. Secrets that you seem to find out about through Meditation, your own Intuition, Oracle/Akashic Readings, or “casual” conversations with family.

Healing the Soul Star Chakra, Soul Level Trauma

The Trauma of forgetting our connection to Source, our connection to the ALL, our connection to our Soul Family runs very deep within our Soul Star Chakra.

We ALL come from Source. God. Creator. The Undifferentiated Source of ALL.

Our Beloved Most High.

When we as a spark of the Creator decided to branch away, to move through and experience these Universes through cycles of creation and destruction we choose to forget here on Earth who we are and where we come from.

We choose AND were made to forget through the destruction of our true history. We choose to forget because of the trauma of separation. When we originally made the choice to separate from Source we were conscious of that decision. We still knew where we came from, we knew who we were, we knew our heart and our Spirit.

Here on Earth our history has been erased and we were forced into a lower vibration of separation. The lifetimes after lifetimes of not learning our lessons, forgetting who we are, where we are from? Humanity’s vibrations continued to lower towards animalistic, survival mode. Through wars, greed, slavery, self serving behaviors, We forgot our higher vibrations.

Many Healers walking this Earth today cary lifetimes of this scarcity, survival mode fears. Lifetimes of death, wars, servitude, poverty, abusive relationships. These are deeply ingrained patterns that cause SOUL LEVEL TRAUMA.

The SOUL STAR is quite literally our connection to our Soul, to our Soul Family. It is our gateway and access point for connecting to our Higher Consciousness, our Higher Self.

When we experience Soul Level Trauma either in this lifetime or another this can greatly block or close down your Soul Star. We literally lose pieces, our Soul Fractals because we choose to forget. It’s too painful to consciously remember so a little piece of our light disappears. As we face our shadows, integrate and remember ALL of our Soul Fractals we open up our Soul Star Chakra into a higher octave of Divine Love.

Signs of Soul Level Trauma

  1. Extremely difficult time grounding and staying present in your body.

  2. Lack of Memory around certain time periods in your life. Entire years you can’t seem to remember.

  3. Feeling disconnected or anger towards God/Your Higher Power/The Universe.

  4. Experienced physical, emotional, sexual, verbal abuse in this lifetime.

  5. Feels like constant spiritual warfare, like you have had a target on your back since birth.

Healing the Persecution Wound
One time