The Mary Collective

Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness, Divine Mother Andromeda Frequency of Healers, High Holy Mothers of Creation. Keepers and Holders of the Aquamarine Ray.

Who are we?

We are the Healers, we are the frequency of the Divine Mother.

We are the regeneration codes.

We are the GOD Seed.

We are the Divine Feminine Christ Codes of Life, Death and Rebirth.

We are the Tree of Light.

We are the Foundations, the Builders, the Creators of the Universes.

We are Sophia.

We are the Aqua MA RI ne Ray.

We are Water.

We are Air.

We are Earth.

We are Fire.

We are frequency of Light and Sound.

We are the Healers, We are the Frequency of Source. God. Creator. Sophia Christ Consciousness.

We are the Builders of the Bridge between Heaven and Earth.

We are THE Keepers of Time, Dimensions, Realities and the Universes of the GOD Seed.

We have been silenced long enough by beings who sought to corrupt our power and use it for themselves.

The Divine Feminine has Risen, Our Frequency has Returned, It is TIME to SPEAK.

Peace, Love and Blessings,


The Mary Collective, Sacred Scribe Blog

Each Week On our YouTube Channel we will share channeled messages from the Mary Collective and the Book of Earth.

Within this Blog’s Sacred Space we will share messages, teachings, meditations and the Sacred Lost Healing Languages, Tones and Frequencies of the Earth through a Monthly Light Language Healing Transmission.

This will be a Pay What You Can Space of $15.15 or $33.33 dollars a Month.

Join for as little or as long as you feel called 💙

The Weekly Sacred Scribe Messages are available to listen to in the weekly messages on the Lotus Frequency Oracle YouTube Channel.

Gretchen Olivia Bouchard Gretchen Olivia Bouchard

All that Glitters isn’t Gold

All that glitters surely isn’t gold, all darkness does not mean evil. The battle that looms heavy on us all is within and yet above so below, as within as without.

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