
My Mom and I in Norway 2019

My Mother passed away last week on September 11th, 2024.

In this “new age” world we talk about transitioning. That death is simply a transition from one life to another. That even though her body is gone, her spirit remains.

I know this to be true, that when one door closes, another one opens. That whatever appears to be “lost” does return in different ways.

Right now that’s not what it feels like.

It feels like I’ve been punched In the face, like someone is sitting on my chest and I’ve been finding it difficult to breathe.

The trauma that is experienced watching someone you love go through Cancer Treatment and Hospice is not anything I’d wish upon anyone.

I’ve lived with my Mother for most of my life. Dealing with mental illness I’ve never quite been able to “hold a 9-5 job” or live completely on my own.

I spent most of my life taking care of my Mother and she did her best to take care of me. At the same time it was dysfunctional chaos at its best.

She’s been my greatest teacher and at times felt like the only person in the world who could understand me.  The visions I had been receiving throughout her last week at the hospital only helped me to see the bigger picture of our Soul Contact and what her death actually means 🐋

A week later and I feel absolutely decimated, wiped out, overwhelmed. My entire world has blown up. I do not currently have the capacity to teach, to create. I’ve not really been able to function or hold space for others or myself while I’ve been taking care of my Mother.

I’ve had to let go of many things, change/cancel/alter my plans repeatedly over the last 6 months and will continue to do so as I do my best to find solid ground in a new home wherever that may be.

I know so many people ask how can I help? I wish there was something I could do?

To be absolutely honest with you all I am in need of financial support 🙏🏻

If you feel called to help us with a donation you can do so through our website 🌹

I’m really not sure when I’ll be back to teaching or creating videos and I appreciate any help as I do my best to recenter and remember who I am without being my Mother’s caretaker 💙

I know this is not truly an ending, it’s a New Beginning, a New Life. I am going to take this space to feel, process and flow with what my heart is telling me to do.

Thank you and Bless you,

Gretchen Olivia 


Thank you and Bless You 💙


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