Ancestral Curses
Black Magic, Curses, Hexes are energy that carrys volatile ramifications.
The energy we send out comes back to us. In one way, form or another energy does not die.
It cannot be destroyed.
It can only be transmuted, changed, recycled, Alchemized.
From the light to the dark.
From the dark to the light.
The energies of Black Magic are service to self, manipulative and filled with malice.
Yes they have served a role in the Universe in that these restrictions, spell work and False God Rituals have and will send us back to the light within.
For the illusion of the dark, evil, the shadow is to help us actually see the light.
The energy of Black Magic and the cost of using this energy creates rips and tears in the Aura and the Soul.
Creating beings who forgot their Soul, forgot their hearts, forgot what it felt like to create through their God Seed.
These beings who forgot are only helping us to remember.
The projections, the jealousy, the gossip, lies, slander, emotional and psychological manipulation.
It’s all been an effort of keeping you small. Keeping you as a slave, siphoning your power, keeping you in loops and asleep to your Higher Self.
Simply because they forgot how to come from their heart.
The Dark Mother and Dark Father energies of control, deceit and manipulations are dissolving from the Earth as we shift into higher octaves of energy within the HEART.
Transmuted and brought back into the light of Creator.
The scales are being balanced, for when things shift “too far” this way or that way we are out of harmony.
Peace, Harmony, Unity this is truly what our hearts are demanding for the Earth, for the Collective.
It is in these moments where we know what we don’t want where we discover exactly what we do.
Curses are energy. They are outdated beliefs. They are outdated patterns. They are outdated agreements of you, handing your power over to something outside of yourself.
When the true power comes from within, comes from claiming your freedom from these outdated beliefs patterns, agreements that you or an ancestor chose.
We are intricately linked from ancestors to ancestors through our DNA, through the cells in our body. We are connected and what we do in this lifetime affects the here and now AND the next generation.
Our Ancestors, Our Guides, God protects us and at the same time if there is some sort of belief within yourself that feels powerless. That believes you’re “cursed”, invites and opens a door for this “black magic” to affect you.
There are beings out there on this Earth who choose to project, choose to send ill will towards others, choose to do spell work, choose to literally pay people to create these curses and hexes on others in a desperate attempt to steal, silence or snuff out peoples light.
There are many of us who came here choosing to wake up and there are literally people you know and people you don’t even know praying that you don’t wake up. Praying that you don’t remember who you are, praying you stay small and compliant.
There are beings on this Earth who have specifically prayed and cursed entire Bloodlines. Setting the intention that people are blocked from their Ancestral Inheritance. That certain Bloodlines that carry the Divine Feminine Christ Codes are hunted and destroyed.
When we are THAT fucking powerful there are things in this Universe that will seek you for your power, for your light, for your effortless Organic connection to Source.
Without the Darkness we would not know Light, Yes and we can choose to bring Light to the Darkness.
We can choose to transmute the fears and grow stronger.
We can choose to release, heal the trauma, face the wounds of ourselves and our Ancestors with love and compassion.
Over the last year I have gotten a big nudge to update our Healing the Persecution Wound Course in honor of this particular Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, Samhain 🍁
We have added TWO new powerful transmissions included with the Throat Chakra, Releasing Past Life Vows Transmission.
🌹 Earth Star Chakra, Healing Ancestral Curses
🌹Soul Star Chakra, Healing Soul Level Trauma
To learn more about the course, check out our website
WE have also restarted our Lotus Frequency Oracle Channel where we will share Oracle Messages once again. I have let fear keep me and stop me from too many things that I love, time to break that cycle 🌹
Check out our first video going into Scorpio Season Vibes 🔥
Wishing you all much love and blessings,
Gretchen Olivia